• Current Section 0: Basic information
  • Section 1: Background information
  • Section 2: What has CCC achieved?
  • Section 3: Your own work
  • Section 4: The 2023 GSF2 Report: Progress and Plans and PMEL
  • Complete
Your answers to the following questions will make an important contribution to the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the CCC Global Strategic Framework#2. They will help us understand our progress so far, and how we can work together to better amplify worker voices in the garment and sportswear industry. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary; however, we hope you will take the time to complete these questions since your views are important. If you have any questions about the MTR, this survey, or what will be done with the results of the research, please contact the Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) subgroup pmel@cleanclothes.org.

If you wish to be anonymous, please, leave the name, email and orgaisation fields empty.